Romanian dissemination - volunteers' power

P.O.D. Association is implementing between September – December 2013 an European Volunteer Service Project with 12 youngsters from 3 European countries, so we used this context to disseminate the guide among them by organizing a session on the 23rd of September 2013 where the 12 volunteers where introduced into the topic of the EcoBusiness vol. 2 project, familiarized with the messages transmitted by the guide, activity that finished with a session of up-cycling paper.

With their help we organized a following informative activity on the 24th of october 2013, for approx. 40 young people, with ages between 17-35 years, volunteers in organizing the „Rock’n’Iasi” Festival, but also the beneficiaries of the creative courses offered by the Students ‘Cultural House of Iasi.
This activity wanted to inform on the necessity of exploring their full creative potential and to identify accessible and cheap resources in order to initiate activities that generate profit. The audience was also informed on how to approach a business idea, by presenting them with the content of the guide realized by the participants in the EcoBusiness vol.2 project, financed by the Youth in Action Program.